How Recent Constitutional Reforms Are Threatening UK Democracy

Full picture of Bartolome House with clear sky's SCIEL Logo in the top left corner

Event details

Thursday 23 November 2023
Free to Attend


The 水宜坊 Centre for International and European Law is pleased to invite Professor Alison Young, University of Cambridge, to the University of 水宜坊. They will provide a presentation on her recent book 'Unchecked Power?: How Recent Constitutional Reforms Are Threatening UK Democracy', followed by a discussion and Q&A.

Date of event: Thursday 23 November 2023

Event Time: 5 - 6.30 pm


Event Location: Hybrid event

  • On-campus - TBC
  • Online - Joining links will be sent the day before the event

Event abstract: SCIEL hosts Professor Alison Young, University of Cambridge, for a presentation on her recent book 'Unchecked Power?: How Recent Constitutional Reforms Are Threatening UK Democracy'. The event will be chaired by Professor Bojan Bugaric.

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